Rescue Success Stories

Cassie and Wilson

Both Cassie and Wilson were listed up on the PAS website - both in the Twin Cities, MN area - for quite a while. Catherine, who had adopted Cheyenne several years ago, lost her best friend when she had to release her old body for the Rainbow Bridge. Catherine was worried about being left dogless and had been watching both Cassie and Wilson and was slowly falling in love with both of them and knew she couldn't pick between the two of them. When her husband said she could have both she couldn't believe her good fortune. One small problem....Catherine lives in Tampa, FL. One of the conditions of adopting these two charmers was that she drive them back by car from Minneapolis instead of flying them (no go anyway as it was August). Many dollars later, Catherine, Richard, Cassie and Wilson are living happily ever after. Catherine says even if she had to choose now between the two of them, she could never do it. Cassie and Wilson are very lucky to have had Catherine find them.