Rescue Success Stories

Zackary's owners had called rescue to discuss giving up their almost 11 year old boy. The excuses were the usual - not enough time and he was apparently having accidents in the house. He had his AKC papers and we were able to trace his (reputable) breeder who was more than willing to take him back - but that entailed a flight to Seattle, WA. Rescue discussed the options with the owners who seemed willing to pursue that option. Instead, they ingnominiously dumped him into the Madison Humane Society and left him there without letting rescue know. Luckily the shelter called rescue for help. Poor Zackary wasn't doing that well in the humane society and a foster home was difficult to find. But as a last resort, Bonnie and Bob were contacted. They had lost their best boy - a shepherd/husky mix last Christmas and were still grieving and had decided for the keeshond's - Tatum - sake, they would allow her to be the only princess in the home. And even though Bonnie and Bob had fostered a few samoyeds in the past, they weren't quite prepared for Zak's special magic. He fit in like a glove and he knew just who he had to cuddle up to and Bonnie lost her heart and knew in a week he had finally found home.. Even Tatum was happy for the company.