Rescue Success Stories

Breeze being groomed by Todd and Sandy Orthmann who brought her from Wausau to Milwaukee.
Breeze in her new home with Blizzard, Brian and Beth. Breeze ran in, pinned Blizzard to the carpet, and he has been terribly in love ever since. Breeze is on the right.

In September of '98, Maria got a terse, "I am the Crandon Humane Society, and I have a samoyed that is slated to be euthanized." Breeze was over 250 miles away. What to do? The lady from the Humane Society drove her to Todd Orthmann (70 miles away) and Todd and Sandy drove her to Milwaukee (183 miles away) on a Sunday. It all happened so quickly that we could hardly arrange anything. Breeze, estimated to be between 10-12 mos, had been found tied outside of the Humane Society, adopted to one home and returned bec she barked, and then was to be euthanized bec she had dug such incredible holes in her outside kennel that the Humane Society lady figured nobody would ever adopt her. (Crandon is a small town in northern WI. Since the Crandon Humane Society was in the process of being built, all 30 kennels were outdoor kennels set up in the director's yard. ) But, all's well that ends well, and Breeze joined Blizzard, and they've been romping up a storm since.